FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: BODY PARTS Send up to three poems on the subject of or just using either the words body and/or part totaling up to 150 lines in length in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on January 19th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Body Parts will be published online and will be invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, January 20th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Don Kingfisher Campbell

Weather in the Body


It's easy to see

dark clouds are

disturbing eyes


There must be

a cold front

developing nasally


A look down

throat confirms

slick roadway



inside stomach

indicate shift


To high pressure

creating change

in wind direction


Earthquake follows

followed by

flash flood



mudslide comes

later that evening


In morning

clear vision again

but low approaches



sign of


Faces and Flowers


faces like flowers

you see them everywhere

some fully blossomed


flowers like faces

looking up or down

who ponders who


like faces flowers

have a countenance

you can read easily


like flowers faces

react to their environment

sicken and die


flowers faces like

are robust and

full of character


faces flowers like

are cultivated plants

reaping beauty



When we are going outside

She makes up her face

In a mirror facing a window


She puts an outfit on

Usually tight and black to hide

And accentuate curves


Closing the door walking down

The driveway her hand reaches

For mine as we walk to the car


Always keeps a towel on the seat

To help my Cube seem new

She likes to sing while we travel


She enjoys shopping for food

To add vegetables and peppers

As spice in our noodles or rice


Tuesday morning is fun for us

Because it's senior day at Ross

She finds bargain designer duds


I like to surprise her with a weekend

Excursion to break monotony

This time Long Beach thrift stores


Clothes are her first priority

A nice purse and a pair of boots

A lucky discovery a collectable doll


After a long afternoon out

Home for dinner and conversation

She shows me videos of China


At night under the covers

Her toes touch my toes

With a special kind of love

Beyond Mammal


Open my eyes

Sniff a little snot

Fist over mouth

Cough away phlegm

Let flatulence rip

Feel a change come

Stroke erect skin

Think of doing

The animal act

Of repetition

To elicit fluid

But she's asleep

Wait until morning

See if it occurs again

The urge to move

Beastly grunts

Followed by roar

Then clean up

With invented

Creature’s comforts

Shower brush

Dress talk

Breakfast together

Sausage and eggs

Much better than

Alone wolf's life

Slip on shoes

Walk to SUV

Drive off to buy

More feathers

For the nest

How about a toy

Or two hours

Seated in culture

Time for dinner

Return home

Flex in bathroom

Nice to be retired

Lie down once more

Leg over leg

Repeat and rinse

Sleep like hamsters

Woke Up


Able to see

Our bedroom in

The dark again


I could feel

Your warmth

Beside me


I inhaled

The scent

Of your skin


I kissed


Your cheek


I heard you

Make a slight

Enquiring sound


Moved in

For the loving

Endorphin hug


And it's only

Four a.m., thank

You nightlight

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